MyPlace – The reliable and secure smart home system
Making your home smart is a great decision, as it gives you the ability to automate dreary daily tasks and enhance your home’s overall comfort and security.
Deciding on how you set up your smart home will depend on how much of your home you want to control, how secure you want your home information to be, and how involved you want to be in maintaining it.
There is a range of smart home devices from various manufacturers on the market – including smart bulbs, plugs, outlets, switches, speakers and locks.
These devices offer a level of smart functionality, but they are best used in specific situations.
For example, smart bulbs are affordable and allow for easy setup, but are limited in variety of fixtures, brightness, and colour.
Smart plugs and outlets come in an extensive selection and can be used to automate certain appliances, but cannot control hardwired lights and fixtures, require complex installation, and are more expensive.
Smart switches, meanwhile, allow you to use whichever bulbs you like, but also involve an intricate installation process which can become expensive at scale.
The problem with individual smart bulbs and switches
One clear illustration of how certain off-the-shelf smart devices may not be the best option is the possible incompatibility issues which could arise between lighting products and the wiring of homes.
Many wireless lighting control products – smart bulbs, switches, lights – require power to run.
To be able to communicate wirelessly and have a light switch, the wiring required must have 3 cables – live, earth and neutral.
Most homes in South Africa don’t have the neutral wire, which means the switch will not be able to communicate with the app when the light switch cuts the power.
The integration issue
Using a combination of these devices is also recommended, as their variety of manufacturers means interoperability is not guaranteed.
The proliferation of products and a lack of quality brands in the smart home space means many either come with poor or no warranties and little or no after-sales support.
If you buy a broken device or it breaks in a few months your only option is to keep replacing broken parts.
This is tedious, but also poses a risk to your security when your garage or gates become inoperable.
For a true smart home experience, you need to acquire a system which can integrate various devices into one coherent platform in a safe and reliable way.
Advantage Air’s MyPlace system makes smart technology affordable by working with existing circuits in your home.
It connects to the wiring of your house for controlling lights, garage doors, driveway gates, pool pumps, geysers, automated blinds, security alarms, and much more.
These devices can then be controlled from a single interface on a wall-mounted touch screen or via the MyPlace smart home app.
The latter can be installed on every household member’s Android or iOS phone and offers useful features, such as push notifications which remind you when you have left the garage doors open, for example.
In addition, MyPlace seamlessly integrates with Google Home and Amazon Alexa, allowing for voice control.
Secure, scalable, reliable
MyPlace is not a cloud-based system. It is unique to the home it is installed in and none of the information on the tablet is saved anywhere else.
This means a hacker would have to individually access your devices from within your secure home network.
Advantage Air components are well-known in the industry for their quality, precision, strength, and durability.
As a testament to this, the company provides a 5-year warranty on all electronic controls.
Due to its modular form, MyPlace allows you to add or enhance capabilities as your budget allows.
The MyPlace Smart Home starter pack includes the smart home app and wired-in tablet, control box, and connection box for 6 circuits.